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Costa Rica Rated Third Safest Women's Destination

Costa Rica Rated Third Safest Women's Destination

By Eric Robinson

Ladies, consider the safety issues and book your vacation in Costa Rica, it could save your life. Behind Amsterdam and Ireland, Jessica Labrencis, staff writer for the travel website has named Costa Rica as the third safest destination in the world for female travelers, as reported in the daily USA Today. She states that much of Latin America has a bad reputation for being unsafe for women, pickpocketing, forward men and unrelentless harassment. However, Costa Rica is increasing in popularity among Americans as these problems are more rare, especially outside of central San Jose.

One of the anecdotes drawn from Jessica and that of Travelgirl Magazine Editor-in-Chief Stephanie Oswald was that of a lost wallet returned with all its cash and even a small gift from the finder. Another was being offered a ride in a small pick up truck back to town when exhaused climbing hills near Arenal Volcano. "I wouldn't normally accept the ride, however, it just felt so safe there, that I accepted. The driver dropped me off near my hotel, and left with a hand wave."

This may be true in the countryside, but in my opinion, single foreign women should not stay alone in San Jose, and wander the streets at night. It is best to do most of your exploring during the day, and if you must, travel in pairs at night, and certainly stay out of the seedy areas, even if you are in pairs. That is why Adventure Inn is in such a great location, as our guests enjoy returning to our safe, clean, uncongested neighborhood for a night in our Sportsbar, and a pleasant restful sleep before venturing out the next day.

The article went on the say that 'there are risks everywhere you go.. and it is important to not let your guard down'. India and Viet Nam were ranked fourth and fifth on the list.

Posted in Costa Rica on Aug 15, 2006.

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