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Some people's selfish logic

Some people's selfish logic

By Eric Robinson

Officials are investigating the cause of a massive forest fire on the uninhabited Isla Bejuco in the Gulf of Nicoya. A fire is believed to be intensionally set on Isla Bejuco, and island in the Gulf of Nicoya that divides Nicoya and Guanacaste from the 'mainland'.

The reason for the suspected arson is that development is prohibited on any coastal forested areas. Burn down the forest and development is no longer prohibited, great idea!

20% of the island's forest was burnt to the ground, and another 20% of the island was affected. It took 30 volunteers from neighbouring Isla Venado to fight the fire for two days starting on March 24th, 2007. Strong winds and tides made the situation difficult to bring under control.

Posted in Costa Rica on Apr 15, 2007.

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